Re: [Hampshire] For those considering upgrading to Ubuntu Fe…

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Author: Hugo Mills
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] For those considering upgrading to Ubuntu Feisty

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On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 12:50:47PM +0100, Paul Tansom wrote:
> ** Alan Pope <alan@???> [2007-04-18 12:21]:
> > On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 12:14:36PM +0100, Paul Tansom wrote:
> > >
> > > 1. I'm assuming Feisty is an LTS release
> >
> > Why?
> > It isn't.
> Because it is a major version number upgrade. One of the touted
> advantages of Ubuntu is that it is more up to date than pure Debian. I
> consider the LTS versions to be equivalent (in intended usage at least)
> of Debian Stable, so if the LTS releases don't keep up with the major
> versions then this advantage has gone.

I think you misunderstand the Ubuntu numbering scheme. The version
number is <year-2000>.<month>, so you guarantee to get a "major
version" change every year, and that the "minor version" changes by
approximately 6 (mod 6) each time (usually 04 to 10 each time).

My understanding is that they plan on making an LTS release every
2-2.5 years.

> Any idea when the next LTS release is due? I've not managed to find that
> information in the FAQ or by searching on the site (for things like
> roadmap, release date, etc.).
> Maybe my view of what should be happening doesn't match with what is
> happening. I see LTS as the server side package and the rest as the
> desktop (much like I see stable for the server side and testing for the
> desktop - although with a short pause just after a new stable release to
> let testing settle again!).

I would say that this isn't an accurate view of either Ubuntu's or
Debian's intent.


=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... | | ===
  PGP key: 1C335860 from or
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