Re: Greylisting (Was Re: [Hampshire] Spam increase?)

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Author: Tony Whitmore
Date: 2007-04-26 05:56 -000
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: Greylisting (Was Re: [Hampshire] Spam increase?)
Tom Dawes-Gamble wrote:
> On Wed, April 25, 2007 8:08 pm, Andy Smith wrote:
>> What it does mean is that whenever people say things like "I'm using
>> $TECHNIQUE and I get almost no spam now!" it doesn't mean that they
>> are not making some sort of trade-off, which may be significant or
>> unworkable in the specific case.
> No, but then saying "has some quite serious downsides." is no better. IMHO.
> When I read that I wondered if I'd missed something in my evaluation of
> greylisting.

Well, the downsides discussed here are serious enough that I probably
couldn't use greylisting at work. We have lots of mail from Yahoo,
Hotmail, Gmail account etc. and a day or two's delay in delivering mail
would be unacceptable to our users.
