Author: Alan Pope Date: 2007-04-26 09:11 -000 To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: Re: Greylisting (Was Re: [Hampshire] Spam increase?)
On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 09:37:35AM +0100, Tom Dawes-Gamble wrote: > A good commercial choice. IMHO the Yahoo Hotmail Gmail stuff is not that
> serious.
You can't possibly make that decision on behalf of another user of your mail
system who depends on that mail arriving in a timely fashion.
Indeed greylisting was implemented on the box last year and the
users went (IMO unnecessarily) completely bonkers over it. We had people
(users [LUGMasters and LUG members]) throwing their pram toys olympic
distances as a result.
Yahoo!!!!!! and Gooooogle aren't the only ones though. Other large ISPs like
AOL have a large number of servers. Should we effectively drop mail from AOL
users alike* ?
> As I said earlier I use postgrey and it comes pre configured
> with 70 odd domains like Yahoo hotmail Gmail that are whitelisted.
Doesn't work though.
I regularly get mails from Yahoo telling me to re-activate my yahoo email
because they had problems delivering to me. They have absolute trolleyloads
of servers that they send from which I can see in my mail summary I get each
day. Even as I add new servers, I still get the "bounce" notification from
Yahoo and have to re-activate again. Happens about once or twice a month, so
not a major problem when I am one of exactly two users of the system, but if
there were many more, I'd get some grief I would imagine.