Re: [Hampshire] Preventing Samba Directory Listing

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Author: Chris Aitken
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Preventing Samba Directory Listing
> >> I just tried to block directory listings of a particular samba share,
> >> but still allow read/writes within it to explicitly named files. I
> >> simply did a 'chmod g-r' on the directory in question. The result worked
> >> on the Samba box and also on the Linux box that had the share mounted
> >> via cifs. However opening a file (explicitly named) within MS Word 2007
> >> on WinXP results in a file not found error message. My samba version is
> >> 3.0.14a-Debian.
> >>
> >> Is my chmod g-r barking up the wrong tree or do I have a Windows issue?
> >
> > When Word opens a file, it creates a copy of the file in the same
> > directory. You'll need to allow creation of that file type, or total
> > write access to the share.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> Thanks Chris. I had forgotten that, although that doesn't seem to be
> the problem since I can successfully create, read and write files from
> the Linux CIFS mount, with the directory listing still blocked. It
> turns out the Windows problem is more specific than I thought, and
> probably off-topic for this mailing list. MS Word can open the file
> when the filename is typed into the open file dialog. The specific case
> where Word fails is when clicking on a 'samba' URL in Internet Explorer.
> e.g. :
> http://\\my-samba-server\Test\Test2.txt
> Here are the permissions of my test Samba share which appear to work on
> the whole except for the IE URL mentioned above...

How does it respond using Windows Explorer?

> Simon
> imagine:/home/samba-shares# ls -al test
> total 20
> drwx-wx---   2 root  samba-test 4096 Jan 10 17:19 .
> drwxr-xr-x  34 root  root       4096 Jan 10 17:05 ..
> -rw-rw----   1 simon samba-test   28 Jan 10 17:19 Test.txt
> -rw-rw----   1 simon samba-test   14 Jan 10 17:16 Test.txt~
> -rw-rw----   1 simon samba-test    2 Jan 10 17:18 Test2.txt

> smb.conf stanza...
> [Test]
>          comment = Test Share
>          path = /home/samba-shares/test
>          write list = samba-test
>          force group = samba-test
>          create mask = 660
>          directory mask = 770
>          force create mode = 660
>          force directory mode = 770
>          read only = No
>          valid users = @samba-test

It seems OK - though it's well over a year since I did anything
serious on (or had access to) a linux box running Samba...