Re: [Hampshire] windows grub repair suse 10.2

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Author: John Cooper
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] windows grub repair suse 10.2
m.nuttall@??? wrote:
> Quoting John Cooper <lug@???>:
>> m.nuttall@??? wrote:
>>>> What is the output of
>>>> # fdisk -l
>>> right the terminal output is this:
>>> "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/newroot
>>> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/newroot
>>> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /mnt/newroot
>>> ubuntu:/# grub-install /dev/hda
>>> /dev/hda: Not found or not a block device.
>>> ubuntu:/# fdik -l
>>> bash: fdik: command not found
>>> ubuntu:/# fdisk -l
>>> cannot open /proc/partitions
>>> ubuntu:/# "
>> Try
>> mount -a
>> fdisk -l

I take it you missed my last post, so here it is again :-

mkdir /mnt/newroot
mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/newroot

# This is the missing bit
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/sysimage/dev

chroot /mnt/newroot
mount -a

NOTE: My /etc/fstab has my /boot as a LABEL=/boot and this didn't get
mounted, so had to mount it manually :-

fdisk -l

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