Hi Guys
I am trying to connect to my Debian box via windows using Putty currently both machines are having there i.p credentials assigned through DHCP. Currently I can connect to the Debian box using SSH by entering the i.p address of the Debian machine.
I currently have a few issues which I would like to get to the bottom of firstly rlogin isn't working When I attempt to connect to my Debian machine I am greeted briefly by the terminal screen then it suddenly disapeers. Am I missing a daemon? or am I right in guessing that the router or stupid windows firewall is block port 534, ( open-sshsever ) is installed.
Second Problem
My Debian box has the hostname Shinobi ( Well that's what it tell's me when I enter hostname -a in the cli )
When I attempt to connect using this hostname using the Xtra problems box it won't connect am I right in saying that I need to edit a config file in Debian to define my hostname?
Many Thanks
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