On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 09:30:46 +0000 (+0000), Tony Whitmore wrote:
> Please take some time to check out the new http://lug.org.uk website,
> worked on by some of our HantsLUG luminaries. The story is summarised by
> Alan on his blog:
> http://popey.com/UK_Linux_User_Groups_New_Website
I think it's a huge, amazing leap beyond the old site:
- it looks pretty
- it looks _professional_
- nice logo (Hugo's work!)
- proper CMS (content management system) being used (Drupal)
- this will allow content to be added and improved far more easily
than before
- the hosting and from bitfolk and the lug.org.uk admins will be, as
usual, top notch
Big round of applause to all those involved \o/
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