I'm trying to set up Pulseaudio support for Flash, as outlined in
http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/FlashPlayer9Solution. My problem is that
the howto states "Note that it cannot be installed in /usr/local as
flash won't find it there", but when I make install I am told
Libraries have been installed in:
Can anyone tell me what command I run to get it to install elsewhere?
Or can I just move the new files to the correct directory, or else link
them to that directory...?
I haven't worked out where that would be yet, but I assume it will be
something like /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ I'd like it to be found by
Firefox, Galeon, and Opera, and this is a Debian system. Will that
directory work?
Sorry if these are silly questions, but I'd like to have some sound on
Youtube and the like!!
Owain Clarke