Author: Victor Churchill Date: To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: Re: [Hampshire] [OT] Disturbing Gmail observation.
2008/4/6 Ottavio Caruso <tat07x202@???>: >
> On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 13:26:39 +0100, "Victor Churchill"
> <victorchurchill@???> said:
> > I hypothesise that one of the people in my colleague Percy's Bcc:
> > list is called Tom
> > and that Google has 'leaked' that information into its ad-selecting .
> Well, this is something my boss would be very glad to hear. But before
> crying foul we should comapre the headers of the original email with the
> ones of the received email and see if there's a clue. Then we should
> replicate the same behaviour with another carefully crafted email, if
> this happens again, we can cry foul.
> Then we should check whether this happens even if you use a mail client
> vs the web interface. If you can prove that, Google will receive a dent
> in their mail business.
> Let us know.
> No further info yet on this. My colleague is still off on his trip to
Spain so I have not been able to check the contents/addressees of his
original mail.
I did try creating a honeypot message Bcc'ed to a Gmail address but
the sidebar-link phenomenon did not show up on that trial.