Edward Beckmann wrote:
> Hi
> Probably the last posting on this one - loads of searching reveals a heap of
> unsuccessful tries. Commonly held view is that it can't be done, so if
> anyone does have the power off secret they will please loads of Linux users
> and we will need to share the answer widely (or use it for fundraising by
> posting it on an MS pay-for-an-answer forum).
> Ed
Dear Ed,
What options does sdparm offer you ?
sdparm -all /dev/sda on my slug offers me, amongst others:-
IDLE 0 [cha: n, def: 0, sav: 0] Idle timer active
STANDBY 0 [cha: n, def: 0, sav: 0] Standby timer active
ICT 272564736 [cha: y, def:272564736, sav:272564736] Idle
condition timer (100 ms)
SCT 1073676288 [cha: y, def:1073676288, sav:1073676288]
Standby condition timer (100 ms)
This will at least stop the drive spinning, even if it won´t power
off the usb>IDE controller card.