On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 17:05 +0100, Paul Stimpson wrote:
> Hi,
> I just got an almost-free Three USB mobile broadband dongle (a ZTE
> MF627). I was very pleasantly surprised to find a folder in its zerocd
> partition (it appears as a USB drive containing the drivers when first
> installed) called "Linux Software". In that was a tar.gz file and inside
> that loads of stuff and an install script.
> Now the instructions are non-existent and the script doesn't actually
> work on Ubuntu 9.04 but at least the existence of the software is
> progress :) The script has a number of flaws, the first being that it
> tests for the existence of /usr/share/gnome/ubuntu (which doesn't
> actually exist in a default 9.04 install) to decide whether the distro
> is DEB or RPM-based!
> Enough of the software builds that the modem can get online but none of
> the configuration tools work. When I run the build script it fails in
> the following ways:
> I've installed the sources for my running kernel and the libftdi1 (and
> its -dev partner) packages as Googling seemed to suggest they might help
> but to no avail. From what I've seen I believe one problem is that
> struct usb_serial_port is undefined and this is throwing lots of the
> errors. I believe this struct is defined in usb-serial.h but I've seen
> some arguments as to where, or even if, this should be included with the
> kernel source because its placement in the source tree doesn't lend to
> it being packaged correctly. I've not had any success finding out which
> package might provide it. Does anybody know how I might get it onto my
> machine cleanly please?
> I also note that the script has failed to find udevcontrol. I've got
> both the udev and udev-extras packages installed. Do you know how to fix
> this one too please?
> Thanks,
> Paul.
Hi Paul,
I got one of these the other day and there is an easier way than this!
Read here
http://www.greenhughes.com/content/zte-mf627-easy-way and use
that ppa (at the bottom). Then network manager will do it all for you!
-Matt Daubney