James Ashburner wrote:
> John Cooper wrote:
>> After all the dirty tricks from M$ and Intel to derail the one laptop
>> per child programme, Uruguay becomes the first country to supply a
>> laptop to every child at primary school (362,000). This is with the
>> Sugar interface and Fedora based Linux platform, not XP!!!
>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8309583.stm
>> If any primary schools would like to try an XO, I have two for demo.
> My local primary school may very well be interested, St Michael's
> Juniors in Aldershot. They're looking to buy in a fairly significant
> number of laptops.
Keep in mind that the olpc is not so to speak 'a laptop'. It is
intended to be a learning and education device, different from a laptop.
It is a totally brilliant leaning and education device, but a poor
'laptop' in the conventional sense, that is not its value.
good luck
alan cocks
Ubuntu user