Author: Nick Chalk
To: hampshire
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Are UDP responses allowed from a different
A quick follow-up...
Stevens supplied the answer [1]. If you set up a
UDP socket, you can send to any IP/port, and
receive from any IP/port.
However, if you call connect() on that socket,
specifying a destination IP/port, then replies
will only be accepted from that IP/port.
So, as James suggested, it looks like it'll be
necessary to modify ldirectord's SIP tests.
Thanks for your help, everyone.
[1] W. Richard Stevens, "UNIX Network Programming,
The Sockets Networking API", Volume 1, Third
Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2004. ISBN 0-13-141155-1.
Nick Chalk ................. once a Radio Designer
Confidence is failing to understand the problem.