2010/1/5 Adrian Bridgett <adrian@???>:
> If you could tell use the time/date (and preferably IP) that you are
> trying from then we can probably have a look in the logs. I suspect
> you maybe accidentally hitting a blacklisted word.
OK, the IP address was , and a lot of the attempted
edits were yesterday evening before I posted (Jan 4, up to 19:30). The
wiki page has a number of successful trivial updates to the page and
one partial non-trivial one [1] ; between those there were a number of
unsuccessful ones where I attempted to upload the complete article and
snipped-up bits of it.
Thanks for offering to take a look. I wonder what the word or phrase I
used was (it's not a glowing review but I didn't think I was being
/that/ rude... ;-)