Andy Random wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jan 2010, Charlie de Courcy wrote:
>> I'm getting my hands on a Motorola Milestone (Android) this week
> Where are you getting it from and how much are you paying?
> I'm interested in the Milestone (aka Droid), but I'm also interested in
> the Nexus One and the Nokia N900...
> I probably don't need and I certainly can't afford all three so I'm on the
> fence about which will suit me best.
> I'd be very interested in hear your experiences and opinions on the
> Milestone one you have played with it.
> Andy
Depends what you want to do with it. The N900 is an open platform and so
is "hackable". The Others are nice phones, but apart from running
Andriod apps you can't do that much with them. Except use them as
phones, of course :-).
Chris Simmonds 2net Limited