Hi all,
I just want to confirm that all is set for the HantsLug meet at IBM
Hursley tomorrow. If you still want to come please email me your name
(preferably today) so I can add you to the security register.
We will have two rooms for the day. One for talks, and one for
bring-a-box type stuff and hanging out (though please don't turn up
with a boot load of kit as security might look at us funny!)
If you want to do a talk, there is still time available so just let me
know what you want to talk about and I will get it on the schedule [1]
Anton Piatek
email: anton@???
blog/photos: http://www.strangeparty.com
pgp: [74B1FA37] (http://www.strangeparty.com/anton.asc)
fingerprint: 7401 96D3 E037 2F8F 5965 A358 4046 71FD 74B1 FA37
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