Author: Jacqui Caren-home Date: 2010-06-29 18:49 -000 To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: Re: [Hampshire] LACNIC, ARIN,
APNIC hackers hitting a "relevant to uk only" web site
Keith Edmunds wrote: > Jacqui, why not implement something like fail2ban (there are others) and
> firewall out addresses after x number of failed logins?
Ah zetaboards is an app service provider - they dont even own the hardware they use!
Installing software is a serious no-no. Heck even getting a backup of forum post data
is a no-no!
From thier supprot forums, if someone hits the web server too hard they end up
with an IP "permaban" that the zetaboard owners evidently have no control over :-)
Not what I would call the brightest bunch on the planet but then if you are only
paying a few hundred USD a year...
I am trying to help them move to a more reasonable (and secure) forum package
but cost is critical - I am happy to provide as-needed free tech support but
every punds spent on the server/forum is one less spent on rehoming the dogs
and I *know* money is tight.
So if any of you happen to work for someone who can offer a cheapo package
feel free to contact off list. I know biggsd folks would only be too happy to
help advertise your "generosity".