On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 16:39:10 +0100
Damian L Brasher <lug@???> wrote:
> Thank you for some fun, a few years ago, playing with a Mac Mini for a
> few months until it found a more appreciative home.
It seems I am going to be given a Mac Mini soon, apparently it can't
be upgraded enough to run the latest version of OS/X.
Not sure what is in it but the owner has had it for several years and I
benefited by getting the Mac G3 it replaced at the time.
I didn't keep that for long but provided the Mac Mini is an Intel
based box I think the it could make a nice (Debian based)
Geneweb server to replace the ageing Celeron 1100 MHz box I use now, it
will at least be somewhat quieter.
John Lewis
using Debian sid
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