I've downloaded ArchLinux for the Raspberry Pi, but it's a 2GB image.
I've a 1GB SD, which the content should fit on, so I'm trying to resize it.
I've now got to the point where I can create an image file with two
partitions totalling 1GB that mount fine. But after I've dd-ed it to the
SD card I can't mount either of the partitions on the SD card.
On 21/07/12 17:25, Tim Brocklehurst wrote:
> Dependant on what you're trying to do, you may find it easier to copy the data
> to a new partition, then re-build the MBR if you need GRUB etc. I don't know
> if this will work on a FAT16/32/NTFS partition, but for all things Linux
> (including the linux root file system) "cp -av <whatever> <wherever>" works
> wonders. I have used it to move cluster node root FSes from loop-mounted
> images to NFS shares.
> You can also use tar to do the same job, which is useful if you need to go via
> another file-system.
> Hope this helps,
> Tim B.
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