[Hampshire] Debian flash drive mount problem

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Author: Peter Alefounder via Hampshire
Date: 2020-06-01 10:34 -000
To: hampshire
CC: Peter Alefounder
Subject: [Hampshire] Debian flash drive mount problem
My main computer, not connected to the internet, is running
Debian 7.1 with KDE. Normally, if I plug in a USB flash memory
stick, an option to mount it will pop up from the panel. Something
has gone wrong and that no longer happens.

A google search has told me how to mount it: 
fdisk -l                 [to get the device name, here /dev/sdb1]
mkdir /media/flash
mount /dev/sdb1 /media/flash

I can read from the flash drive, but only write to it using
the command line as root, which is not very convenient.

I would like the pop-up mount back again. Any ideas on how
to do that?

Peter Alefounder.

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