[Hampshire] Re: Wireless confusion!

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Author: John Hunt
To: HantsLUG
Subject: [Hampshire] Re: Wireless confusion!
Forgot to mention..the card is working.. iwlist eth-wifi scan works just fine!


On 11/19/06, John Hunt <johnrhunt@???> wrote:
> I recently upgraded my media pc thing to an AMD64... I've had to
> reinstall debian etch. I'm having difficulty with my rt2500 wireless
> card. Everything seems fine, yet it just won't 'work'. I have the card
> showing in iwconfig and ifconfig, and all the settings appear fine.
> I've ran 'route' to see if the kernel routing tables are ok..they're
> fine (same as my laptop):
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
>     *        U     0      0        0 eth1
> default         UG    0      0        0 eth1

> The rt2500 module is loading fine compiled fine using module-assistant etc..
> It's strange because I did have it working for a bit, but then it'd
> just 'stop' working..nothing in dmesg etc..quite weird.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can try? I double checked
> setup guides, tried by just pinging my wireless router etc.. very
> strange.
> I'm thinking perhaps there's something quirky going on..
> I'm not using any encryption or anything like that at all. And I have
> wireless-tools installed and stuff.
> Any help or suggestions would be great!
> Thanks!
> John.