Re: [Hampshire] More on the M$ and Novell deal

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Author: John Cooper
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] More on the M$ and Novell deal
Chris. Aubrey-Smith wrote:
> Am I alone in seeing parallels with G.W. Bush and impending "victory"
> in Iraq?
> CAS.

Well, I suppose they were right. They planned to go into Iraq and they
won. Shame they didn't think about what happens after victory before
they went to war. Anyway back to the evil one from Redmond.

M$ have tried and tested business strategies and the article highlights
these and applies them to what they will be thinking about FLOSS.
Obviously they are kept secret, its business and a mutli-billion dollar
industry. Fragmenting the community by the Novell deal will be one part
of their strategy to undermine FLOSS and keep the market share. The more
Linux takes market share, the dirtier the tactics will become. That is
not fantasy, but is the world of a monopolist who up to now removed
competition by embrace, extend and extinguish.

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