Author: Victor Churchill Date: 2007-03-27 22:05 -000 To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: [Hampshire] [OT]Bookshelf clearout
an esoteric assortment of dead-tree volumes up for grabs. These come
from various times in my history (and yes, some of them from the
Before Linux era...)! I suspect most of these will only be of interest
to obsessive archivists, but possibly some might be relevant to
inheritors of old hard/software.
Unless anybody shouts I'll be putting them up onto Freecycle in a few
days and then sending them to the recyclers' the week after.
R Anderson: Proving Programs Correct. WIley, 1979
D Michie & J Hayes, eds: Intelligent Systems the unprecedented
opportunity. Ellis Horwood, 1983
D M Jones & R Winder, eds: People and Computers IV - Proceedings of
Fourth Conference of BCS HCI Specialist Group, 1988
P J Brown: Writing Interactive Compilers and Interpreters. Wiley, 1979.
Third International Expert Systems Conference, London 1987.Learned
Information, 1987.
D Pitts, B Ball et al: Red Hat Linux 6 Unleashed. SAMS, 1999. Includes free CD!
Parity Training: Word 97 Training Manual.
Parity Training: Powerpoint 97 Training Manual.
Parity Training: Excel 97 Training Manual.
Sun MIcrosystems: SparcStation IPC Installation Guide.
Sun MIcrosystems: Sun System & Network Manager's Guide.
Microsoft: Word 6.0 User's Guide
Microsoft: Excel 5.0 User's Guide
Microsoft: Getting Results with Word 97
Oracle: SQL*Net for DEC VAX/VMS Installation & User's Guide