Re: [Hampshire] Re:Self-rebooting ADSL routers

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Author: Tom Sykes
Date: 2007-04-13 14:18 -000
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Re:Self-rebooting ADSL routers
I know it sounds like a bit of a hack, but I was having this problem a
few years back and wrote a shell script that would ping three expectedly
high availability websites (google, yahoo and another i can't remember).
If all of the three were unavailable, then the script would use the
router's web interface to reboot it.

Now it's not ideal, since you've got to have the router's password
stored in the script, but it worked. Unfortunately I no longer have a
copy of the script, but it shouldn't be too hard to cobble one together.

Certainly cheaper than buying a new router.


Stephen Pelc wrote:
> Ever since our ISP upgraded our broadband, we've had problems
> with the external router needing to be rebooted. Naturally this
> happened recently while everyone was on holiday, so I had to
> have a holiday without email (a good thing). The only relevance
> to Linux is that our external router feeds a Linux server with
> UPS.
> What appears to happen is that the router (and we've tried
> Netgear and Belkin) does not recognise that the connection has
> been lost and does not try to reconnect. A ping of an external
> address detects the problem. Are there any ADSL routers that
> handle this automagically?
> I recently came across an external piece of kit that will do
> this.
> Since it is such a trivial piece of code to produce a periodic
> ping to an external source, I wonder why this facility is not
> provided by all ADSL routers.
> Stephen
> --
> Stephen Pelc, stephen@???
> MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd - More Real, Less Time
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