* alan c (aeclist@???) wrote:
> john lewis wrote:
> [...]
> >I use the command line history function so as to be able
> >to repeat the command each time I need it.
> yes this function is something windows users will not expect. It took
> me a long time to appreciate even that it existed. Even for a beginner
> it more than compensates for the initial strangeness of using command line
I remember going to one of my first BaB HantsLUG meetings, and I
watched someone using the command prompt, and I could not understand
how he was getting the command to appear with so few key presses.
Tab completion and command history are great. I just wish I could
get command history to work in cygwin then I can be happy at work as
well :-)
_/ ;-. \ ubuntu
(_)( )-) Philip Stubbs
\ ;-'_/ http://stuphi.co.uk