Author: Graham Bleach Date: 2008-04-16 19:09 -000 To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: Re: [Hampshire] HP's answer to the eeepc
On 16/04/2008, john lewis <johnlewis@???> wrote: > The 'Gadget Show' the other night suggested going to Tottenham Court
> Road for cheap laptops, etc. That is fine if you live in London
> but the cost of getting there from Bournemouth would add quite a lot
> to their prices.
Don't bother. In my experience TCR is not a great place to purchase
computing equipment: low stock levels, lack of choice and the prices
aren't too keen either. It's pretty difficult for a trader in one of
the costliest places in the world to rent shop space to compete with
an outfit in a warehouse outside Coventry.