[Hampshire] TRYING to set up my own simple mail server? Can …

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Author: Jason Butwell
To: hampshire
Subject: [Hampshire] TRYING to set up my own simple mail server? Can anyone help?
Hi everyone!

I have had to rejoin this mailing list because I was on it originally but I
got removed for not updating my membership probably as I have been ill with
lots of prostate problems. Still I am back now and in real need of your
wisdom! I am trying to set up my own mail server partly for business and
pleasure. (if it was ever a pleasure to set one of these up!) Seriously
though, I have been interested in trying to get this to work for a long time
and the other day after contemplating and reading lots of guides and a
rather encouraging one by someone called flurdy I decided to give it a go
with disaster results. It just did'nt work at all! I actually tried two
different guides but the one by flurdy at this address:
http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/index.html seemed to be the one which I could
follow. I was trying to get it working by using a free domain name from
dyndyns, which for examples sake was bob.ath.cx and I named the mailserver
to that as the guide said use your example domain here but it wouldn't work.
I later read that you need to have a domain with an MX record? Mail
Exchanger in order for it to work? I have already scoured some other linux
forums and found that others have got postfix working by using a combination
of dyndns and a domain name. I own a domain with 123reg.co.uk and lets say
for arguments sake that its www.bob.co.uk. On the control panel at
123reg.co.uk it does allow you to change the MX records but i'm not sure
what I need to do? As I am in a right tangle with this at the moment and
getting more and more frustrated as time goes on!!!

My setup is currently using a broadband router which I have a dyndyns name
attached to.

I was wondering if I need to do this in order to get it to work?

1) Point the dyndns domain name to my router and foward all the mail server
ports to the internal mail server which has the ip address of
2) Point the 123reg bob.co.uk domain to the router as well
3) Edit the MX record on the 123reg domain to point to the dyndns name and
give it a priority of 10?

Now with no.3 do I have to completed remove the other MX records and just
keep my one, or can I keep the other ones there and put mine in as well?
This is what is confusing me?

Then theres the actual server itself. When I name the FQDN (Fully Qualified
Domain Name) as I understand it to be, do I put in bob.co.uk? I'm also a bit
confused about the local name for the machine and should this play a part
when I set it up as well. For example if I called the machine mserver would
the domain name I would have to use be something like mserver.bob.co.uk ?
I'm really confused as you can see as this part of it is a bit beyond me as
I'm normally into graphics, and programming, but i'm really interested in
learning this obviously. Is there anyone out there that can help me out? I
can even setup my mailserver test box with SSH so that anyone that is good
at this stuff could possibly have a look? I'm usually quite knowlegable
about it, doing system builds, fixing problems, programming, graphics, web
work, etc but this server stuff really has me beat and it's very annoying?
Can anyone tell me if I am close in what I am saying?

Someone please help before I completely lose my sanity!

Thanks in advance,

Jason B.

References: http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/index.html