on the bogomips mini howto page there are several indications that
BogoMIPS have a 1:1 (or sometimes 1:2) relationship with Mhz on MIPS and
ARM archictectures. Are there any other ways you can think of to
determine the clock speed? I am indeed concerned about trade descriptions.
Daniel Pope wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 09:30:50PM +0100, Alan Bell wrote:
>> On MIPS architecture BogoMIPS are the same as Mhz
> That's not true in general.
> MIPS the architecture is unrelated to MIPS the processor speed. The
> relationship between clock speed and BogoMIPS is tabulated on the
> Wikipedia page[1].
> If they say it's a 400MHz processor then that is what it is (or they are
> in breach of the trade descriptions act or maybe the Unfair Commercial
> Practices Directive), but neither BogoMIPS or clocks speeds provide a
> useful comparison of performance other than within a single architecture.
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BogoMips
> Dan