Edward Beckmann wrote:
> Hi
> A well-soak tested PC had virgin broadband installed today, and will now
> restart instead of powering down. The Virgin people had neither heard
> of linux nor firefox, so their standard install process (going from this
> page in the browser http://act2.virginmedia.com/) rebooted the machine
> then fell over quite quickly. Having failed to install its software,
> the broadband connection worked OK anyway, and all was OK until trying
> to shut down. I get the usual progress bar then drives and screen power
> down, immediately being followed by power up again.
> A few hints - ubuntu 7.10 running on K7som+ mobo, athlon processor.
> Tried so far - unplug PC and modem (ambit 256) and ethernet cable,
> reinstalled network manager, metwork manager gnome, power manager gnome,
> switched power management off, disabled power mgt in bios, amended
> /etc/modules and menu.lst per
> (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=623237&page=6
> <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=623237&page=6>).
> Any ideas folks, the definite was that it worked fine until virgin
> install was done, tho' worrying that a self-boot can cause this much chaos.
Not an Ubuntu user but here goes.
My first thought is that something in /etc/init.d installed by NTHell
in the init.d or rc* dirs has trashes the execution in the relevant
When you shutdown all you realy do is move to runlevel 0 (halt).
My guess is he system is executing something that either fails in some
odd manner, causes a panic or initiates a switch to another runlevel.
I suggest analysing the output of /var/log/messages or syslog or
the output of dmesg - the NThell nastyness could be in there.
p.s. I have had three differing linux OS connected to NThell now.
Once the cabelmodel is in place, the only software I needed to
install was poptop and dhcp.