> Damian Brasher wrote: >> Graeme Hilton wrote:
>>> If I do a Ctrl-C the zacquire_maxlines gets a SIGKILL, rather than a
>>> Is this a feature of bash, or of the way the ssh command interprets the
>>> SIGINT request?
>> Could it be that the initial Ctrl-C SIGINT stops the ssh process which
>> in
>> turn SIGKILL's the remotely executed process - I'd test this to be
>> absolutely sure.
> My test shows that SIGINT does not automatically SIGKILL a remote process.
>>From local machine (this command takes a few minutes):
> ]#ssh dbrasher@192.168.*.*** "find / -name test123"
> Then on the remote machine:
> ]#ps -e |grep find
> ]#strace -p PID
> Local machine:
> ]#Ctrl-C
> Killed by signal 2.
> find is still running on the remote machine.
I did the same kind of thing and got the same answer...
> I can't see any relevant options in /etc/sshd_config to control how
> remote commands are handled on loss of the ssh session responsible for
> executing the remote command, find is run in a subshell.
I've contacted the author of the program I'm running remotely and he's
trying to debug this issue - unfortunately that means he's nicked the
hardware I was doing my testing on!
> I'm interested to know the precise answer to this one too:)