On Wed Jan 07, 2009 at 16:43:18 +0000, David Ramsden wrote:
> Using squid as opposed to something like APC sounds like a better idea.
> The website administrator has just turned off images within signatures
> and the performance has increased significantly. So the ability to cache
> images is attractive.
In that case you might find moving images to a dedicated host
and setting up pound to proxy to it would be useful.
I did that on one site - the main site was
www.example.com, and
all images were hosted on img.example.com.
Then I had apache running to handle the main site, nginx to handle
just the images, and pound at the front to direct traffic to either
localhost:80 (apache) or localhost:81 (images).
Even with the extra processes running it was significantly faster
than previously - although the additional complexity made it a little
Debian GNU/Linux System Administration