Hugo Mills wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 12:02:14PM +0000, Brian Chivers wrote:
>> I'm trying to insert the text below into a mysql table but it's complaining, I think it's the '
>> that's causing the problem.
>> childrens's/youth program (general)
>> The table is called stream and the field I'm trying to insert into is called genre and it's a
>> varchar(200) collation utf_general_ci
>> This is the command I'm using
>> mysql_query(INSERT INTO stream (channel, starttime, title, description, genre, filename) VALUES
>> ('$channel','$starttime','$title','$description','$genre','$filename'));
> Don't do that. :)
> The problem you're seeing is the least troublesome and least
> damaging of the wide range of evil things that can happen if you write
> code like that.
> If you're using the simple mysql_* functions in PHP, you should
> process *every* parameter passed to SQL through
> mysql_real_escape_string() before putting it into an SQL statement.
> However, this is still prone to breakage (if you forget to do it, for
> example).
> I would strongly recommend installing the MDB2[1] package from
> PEAR[2], plus the MDB2 MySQL "driver" package, and using prepared
> statements[3].
> Hugo.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
Thanks for the pointers, this is what I ended up with
$insert_query = sprintf("INSERT INTO stream (channel, starttime, title,
description, genre, filename) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')",
I realise it's not perfect but as this will be used internally not using
a webpage to get the data (it's all pulled from another mysql) database
I think it should be OK.
Hugo I would install the MDB2 but this is running on a Windows box & I'm
amazed that php works at all so don't want to add anything & risk
breaking it :-)
Thanks again
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