[Hampshire] Fwd: [InterLUG] Global Linux Meeting March 7 Sat…

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Author: Alan Pope
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: [Hampshire] Fwd: [InterLUG] Global Linux Meeting March 7 Sat BerkeleyTIP -Global - For Forwarding
May be of interest to us LUG types..

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: john_re <john_re@???>
Date: 2009/3/4
Subject: [InterLUG] Global Linux Meeting March 7 Sat BerkeleyTIP
-Global - For Forwarding
To: interlug@???

Join with us individually, or use this meeting as a resource for your
local group - Create a local simultaneous meeting.

IF you create a local meeting,
THEN email the BTIP Global list & tell us about your meeting.  :)

Ekiga(Gnome meeting), Asterisk, Xen, Virtualbox, Debian 15 Years, Free
and Open Future, Amarok, ZFS, FreeBSD, Python, OLPC

Schedule: All times Pacific Std Time = GMT -8H
            ex: 10A PST = 1P Eastern ST
10 A    Begin:  Set up.  Get on IRC & VOIP
11 A    Ekiga3 talk LIVE
       INSTALLFEST begin
12 N    Asterisk, OLPC;
       PROGRAMMING PARTY: VOIP Conference client & server
 1 P    Xen, Virtualbox; GNOME
 2 P    KDE – GUI; Macintosh
 3 P    Debian; BSD; College & University groups
 4 P    Free & Open Future; Culture; Hardware
       Python; INetWebDev; Local Simultaneous Meetings Arrangements

At Moffitt Undergrad Library.
BART: Berkeley Downtown Station.
Caltrain: Berkeley Station, bus up University to campus.
Car: 880 Freeway, University Exit.

=====  IRC & VOIP
Join IRC freenode.net #berkeleytip, & we'll help you get on VOIP

===== Come to the: Great global meeting planned for this Saturday!  :)

Yes!  You can join in with the friendly global BTIP people - get a
headset & join the VOIP conference, from home, or wherever.  Hey -
invite your friends over & you can haz parte.  ;)

Be the first in your state - or country - to join in.  Since Chaitanya
joined from India in February, we have now officially moved up to
global.  :)

BerkeleyTIP - Global Monthly GNU(Linux), BSD & All Free SW HW & Culture
Talks, Installfest, Potluck & ProgrammingParty
Educational, Productive, Social

Ekiga 3 on KUbuntu 8.04 - Chaitanya Mehandru, LIVE 11AM PST = GMT -8H
Asterisk Free Software Telephone System - Paul Charles Leddy, NYLUG-08
Xen Virtualization - Ian Pratt, FOSDEM-08
Virtualbox, Achim Hasenmueller, FOSDEM-08
Debian, Bdale Garbee, FOSDEM-09
Free and Open Future - Mark Surman, FOSDEM-09
Amarok v2 - Akademy-08
Debian: 15 Years and Counting - Steve McIntyre, Debconf-08 - Keynote
ZFS for FreeBSD - Pawel Jakub Dawidek, MeetBSD-08
Python on the OLPC laptop -  Ed Cherlin, BayPIGgies-08

Links to the videos & more info here:
Suggestion:  Download & watch the videos _you_ are interested in
_before_ the meeting, so you can spend the scheduled topic time
_discussing_ that talk.

All the talk/video speakers are invited to join in for Q&A & discussion.
[Please pass that word on to the speakers, because I probably wont have
time to notify them individually.]

Thanks to all the speakerz, videographerz, & sponsoring groupiez.  :)
& doubble plus big thanks to David Fox, r noo talk/vid finder/scheduler.

==  LIGHTNING TALKS - 5PM - Sign up anytime.

1) Help get Ekiga 3 compiled, running & packaged for KUbuntu8.04
2) Help get a local Asterisk VOIP conference server working.
3) Whatever _you_ are interested in - Email the list inviting us to join
on your project.  :)

Chris said:  the meeting went very well for Feb. 7.

Windsor said:  I am interested in Jack's
idea of focusing a group on promotion of Linux as a desktop operating
system and targeting perspective Linux users. I'm enthusiastic about
doing something to this effect, like hosting an install night, standing
in Sproul Plaza near a card table, etc..

David said:  the USB headset I ordered and will
pick up at the post office tomorrow -
Markt9 (from virtual lug) told me that it was a very nice one. I can't
wait until I get the chance to try it live.

& Windsor says: I posted some guidelines for people editing the web
page. Also, (and I'm not trying to be a kill-joy) I think the smilies
should be left in IRC and private e-mails. Every time I see one on the
site I think of myspace.com or icanhazcheeseburger.com.

john_re says: Thanks for the tipz, everyone. - I'll keep 'em in mind.

ps: & more doubbble pluz big thanks to Windsor, for the new website
design.  :)

[Someone, call the doctor, got a case of love bipolar.  Staccato, roller
coaster, can't get off this riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide.]

& say "Hi", where you're from, what you're interested in, & whatever
project you invite others to join in on.
Click "Join this group" on the right side of the page.

=====  FLYER
- Opportunity - Put 10 up so your friends will know.

You are invited to forward this message anywhere appropriate.

C-ya there :)
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