Bob Dunlop wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Bob,
> On Thu, Mar 12 at 02:25, David Ramsden wrote:
> ...
>> But since I've got no module support and bonding is compiled in to the
>> kernel, how can I specify the bonding options such as the bond mode?
>> This is running on Ubuntu Hardy LTS which doesn't seem to support the
>> "bond-mode" stanza in interfaces(5).
> I've not used this specific module/kernel/distro but the usual mechanism
> is to pass the parameters in the kernel boot string/command. The syntax
> is <module>.<param>=<value> so for the above example I think would need
> to add the following to the kernel boot info.
> bonding.bonding bonding.mode=6 bonding.miimon=100
> Exactly how to do this depends on which bootstrap you're using and what
> tools you use to configure it.
This did the trick, thank you.
.''`. David Ramsden
: :' :
`. `'` PGP key ID: 3454B217 on
`- Debian - Because it works (tm).