Hugo Mills wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 06:42:42PM +0100, Leo wrote:
>> I'd also have thought that mplayer or ffmpeg could convert them to
>> MPEG2, but don't know the specific command off the top of my head.
> Yes, they can. However, your difficulty is shared by everyone else.
> They're both very hard to drive unless you know a huge amount about
> both video encoding and the app in question. That was why I avoided
> mentioning either of them yesterday... :)
> Hugo.
I did this a couple of years ago with mencoder to convert the
format and qdvdauthor to make the dvd. Mencoder needed a
command line about 20 parameters long - I got it off someone's
web page. Qdvdauthor was fairly easy.
The mencode parameters required are probably still on various
howtos. ISTR most of them could just be cut and pasted