On 05/05/2009 19:01, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> On Tue, 05 May 2009 17:39:34 +0100, hantslug@??? said:
>> What I'm looking for is
>> something more like the restore disks you'd get from a manufacturer
>> which are pretty much a case of stick it in the drive and boot from it.
> http://www.mondorescue.org/ is supposed to do just that, although when I
> last tried it (probably five years ago) it wasn't perfect (I can't recall
> the details). But worth trying, I'm sure.
I had the misfortune to be given the task of attempting to use
Mondorescue as the basis for a DR strategy a few years back.
I accept that my experience is 2 years-ish out of date but I never did
get over it occasionally popping up dialog boxes in l33tsp34k (it is, or
was, an ncurses app).
At the time it coped badly with LVM, worse with software RAID, and
really didn't like unexpected filesystems like xfs.
Things have probably improved since then.
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