Author: Philip Stubbs Date: To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Ultimate Linux Media PC?
2009/8/3 Dave Walker <DaveWalker@???>: > As a Mythbuntu co-founder and a member of the MythTV packages on Ubuntu
> team, i am kind of shocked with this response.
Ok, I like MythTV. It is almost ideal for what I want, and is by far
the closest thing to a perfect fit for me. However, why is it such a
PITA to setup the channels? Or am I doing something wrong? The only
time I have had it working well was when I manually edited the
channels table in the database using the information from a
channels.conf file.
Maybe I am missing a trick. However, I have recently tried Kaffine,
and to setup the channels on that was a breeze. If MythTV could setup
its channels as easily, I would be a happy man! :-)
This may not be such an issue if the channels did not frequently swap
around in the run-up to 2012.