On Wed, 5 Aug 2009, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Aug 2009 12:35:31 +0000, andy@??? said:
>> PS is anyone else really put off by the use of "M$", "Micro$oft",
>> "Microshaft" etc. in emails?
> Very much so. It's unprofessional (and to quote my teacher of years ago,
> it isn't big and and it isn't clever). I'd like to think that Linux
> devotees can rise above name calling.
Personally I have no problem with it.
If someone used it all the time in any context that might be slightly
annoying, but in a "Friday afternoon"/humorous/light hearted context I
think it is entirely appropriate for the list.
There are certainly a lot of things which annoy me a lot more, like
top-posting, not trimming quoted content, HTML email etc.
As for it being "unprofessional" well yes of course it is, I would never
use it in an email to my boss or a customer, but this list isn't a
professional forum, and again in the context of "friends" chatting amongst
themselves on the list I see no issue with it.