On 2 February 2010 11:45, Antony <ar@???> wrote:
> Chris. Aubrey-Smith wrote:
> > Is there an 'approved' method for separating a big aluminium heatsink
> from a
> > processor, to which it is attached as though superglued?
> Clamp the heatsink in a vice, protect the CPU and use a scalpel or craft
> knife blade to remove any actual glue and to wedge the components apart.
> I think I used masking tape on the CPU edge to keep it from flying
> around and put a soft pad under it.
That's precisely what I've been doing, so far without success.
Next step: add acetone to the mix.
When I said 'as though superglued', it never occurred to me that anyone
would actually do that. Why, I wonder?
If it survives this treatment, I'll be amazed....
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