[Hampshire] [office@ukuug.org: [UKUUG-Announce] UKUUG & O'Re…

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Author: Dr A. J. Trickett
To: Hants LUG
Subject: [Hampshire] [office@ukuug.org: [UKUUG-Announce] UKUUG & O'Reilly - Perlcourses - February 2011]
This may be of interest to a few people. I know Dave and he is a
good bloke. This isn't for free, you'll need to spend money if you
want to go.

----- Forwarded message from Jane Morrison <office@???> -----

From: Jane Morrison <office@???>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 15:32:29 +0100
Subject: [UKUUG-Announce] UKUUG & O'Reilly - Perl courses - February 2011

UKUUG & O'Reilly are pleased to announce details of the following forthcoming

Intermediate Perl - 15th & 16th February 2011

Advanced Perl - 17th & 18th February 2011


Venue: Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, London WC1B 5BB

2 day Intermediate Perl (including practical session) NOTE: All
delegates will need to bring a laptop with a recent version of
Perl installed.

Description: This course is aimed at people who have done a little
Perl programming and who want to add another dimension to their
Perl knowledge. This is the knowledge that separates real "Perl
programmers" from people who simply "use Perl".

Course Outline:
* Types of variable         * Strict and warnings        * References        * Sorting
* Reusable code        * Object orientation        * Testing            * Dates & times
* Templates            * Databases                * Further information

2 day Advanced Perl (including practical session) NOTE: All
delegates will need to bring a laptop with a recent version of
Perl installed.

Description: This course is aimed at people who have a lot of
experience with Perl. It teaches many of the latest and most
powerful techniques being used by Perl programmers. The exact
contents of this course will change as new techniques are

Course Outline:
* Perl 5.10 & 5.12        * Advanced testing            * DBIx::Class        
* Handling exceptions    * Profiling & benchmarking    * Catalyst
* Object Oriented programming with Moose            * Web development with Plack

Tutor: Dave Cross is the owner of Magnum Solutions Ltd, an Open
Source consultancy company based in London. In 1998 he started
london.pm which has grown to be one of the largest Perl Mongers
groups in the world. He nominally led the group until September
2001. Between August 2002 and June 2006 he was the Perl Mongers
User Groups Co-ordinator for the Perl Foundation. Dave is a
regular speaker at Perl and Open Source conferences and is often
invited to present tutorials alongside the main conference. He is
the author of "Data Munging with Perl" (Manning, 2001) and a
co-author of "Perl Template Toolkit" (O'Reilly, 2003). Dave lives
in SW London. The rumours about gold-plated cats were never true.

Visit the UKUUG web site at: www.ukuug.org/events/perl2011/ for
delegate costs and on-line booking form.


Early-bird rates available until Friday 28th January

UKUUG Secretariat
PO Box 37
Herts SG9 9UQ
Tel: 01763 273475
Fax: 01763 273255

----- End forwarded message -----

Adam Trickett
Overton, HANTS, UK

This would of course be likely to trigger a real constitutional crisis,
but as this Government has done so much to destroy the constitution
already, it seems only reasonable for other people to be allowed to join in.
    -- John Lettice, The Register 2006-01-17