[Hampshire] Best choices of Linux for newcomers.

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Author: Gordon Scott via Hampshire
To: hampshire
CC: Gordon Scott
Subject: [Hampshire] Best choices of Linux for newcomers.
Hi guys,

I'm soon to give a talk to my local U3A computer interest group
(Beginners and intermediates) on Linux, for which I'll likely use main
subjects "Why Linux?", "Why Not Linux?" and  "Getting started with Linux".

I'm probably fine with the first two, but I tend to stick with just two
distributions that suit me well and I'm well aware that there are many
others. (FYI, my two are Xubuntu and AVLinux).

Which distributions should I shortlist to demo and advise for newcomers
to Linux?  I'd probably advise a try-before-you-install distro, which
might shorten the list a bit.

I'm working on the assumption for now that most people will want web,
email, photos and office tools, maybe a calendar.

Generally I trust suggestions from the LUG more than trying to filter
useful stuff from the various distro fora.

Any suggestions or advice welcome.



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