Re: [Hampshire] Best choices of Linux for newcomers.

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Author: James Dutton via Hampshire
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
CC: James Dutton
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Best choices of Linux for newcomers.
On Mon, 3 Mar 2025 at 15:02, Gordon Scott via Hampshire
<hampshire@???> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the presentation I'm putting together I think I have most of the
> essentials covered, at least as well as I can in a short-ish time, but I
> thought it would be wise to cover a few of the surprises that people
> find. At present I have the following, but if anyone has any others
> that I should probably cover, I'd welcome the suggestions.
> Where are my disc drives?
> Filenames and paths -- case, slashes, (glob basics?).
> Workspaces --- (Help, my open applications just completely vanished!!!)


The workspaces one is a good one because one can easily swap
workspaces accidentally, without a single click of the mouse, touchpad
or keyboard.
Just swiping up or down while the pointer is towards the left of the
display does it for me.

I would probably keep them away from the command line.
Show them how to use a web browser, if they save a file, where to go
to find it again.
Show them libreoffice for writing letters, spreadsheets, and where it
saves files and where to go to find them again.
Show them how to share pictures and videos with friends.
Show them how to plug their phone into the laptop and transfer photos
and videos.
Show them how to backup their valuable photos, videos and documents.
Show them how to find the game to play patience or sudoku or similar.

I think that would cover a high percentage of today's use cases.

Kind Regards


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