On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 at 09:58:51AM +0000, Victor Churchill wrote:
> On 08/12/06, Mat Grove <mjeg@???> wrote:
> Going back to OP question, I'd agree that one of the big win points
> for OS is its multi platform capability. The fact that I can set up
> working practices on my Linux boxes and deploy them to co-workers'
> WInPCs - Apache, Perl, VNC, ssh come immediately to mind - is
> immensely enabling.
> Also, the area of embedded apps (and complete systems) comes to mind.
> I recall seeing someone's gallery (can't attribute as I can't recall
> exactly whose - it's one of two prominent LUG members) with a screen
> shot of Tux on a Tom Tom screen. That must be a 'killer' feature of
> Linux specifically - that you can find it in your car, your home
> cinema, your fridge and your phone as well as in the data centres.
I think Linux has the following killer features:
1) It's portable and flexible
- you can install it on and in a lot of different places
2) It inherits from the Unix culture
- it started with a mature design
- most existing open software will run on it
3) It's open and extensible
- you can do what you want with it
In essence it's a fully open POSIX system, which is exactly what hackers
Adam Trickett
Overton, HANTS, UK
This would of course be likely to trigger a real constitutional crisis,
but as this Government has done so much to destroy the constitution
already, it seems only reasonable for other people to be allowed to join in.
-- John Lettice, The Register 2006-01-17