----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Dunlop" <bob.dunlop@???>
To: <hampshire@???>
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Fedora 8 DVD problems
> Hi,
> On Sun, Nov 25 at 11:06, Rob Malpass wrote:
>> The thing is though - the disk seems to be ok - in as much as it's
>> booting
>> (I'm getting the ISOLINUX version header) but not the kernel image.
> Might be a processor version mismatch. That's about where the kernel
> decompression takes place and that often throws up processor instruction
> set issues.
> Did you download the i686 or the i386 version ? I think the i686 version
> has problems with some older AMD processors.
> Send me your postal address OFF LIST and I'll put a i386 (lowest common
> denominator) disk in the post for you. I know it's good Kelly used it
> to install on an Athlon recently.
> --
> Bob Dunlop
The plot thickens here!
On Friday, I downloaded the image presented to me from fedoraproject.org.
It was an x86_64 image. Interestingly enough looking at the filename, it
has (2).iso as a suffix which I've only just noticed. If it's indeed the
second disk of a set, it might not be bootable - but the link from
fedoraproject pointed me to that image (wrong link methinks).
However, I've just burned Fedora-8-i386-DVD.iso and that's come up with
precisely the same error (even after a correct sha1sum).
For various reasons, I can't tell what CPU is inside the box at the moment
(but it was bought back in the summer (2007) so I'm assuming it should be ok
to run a 64 bit version.
Currently downloading the live CD image - maybe that'll be easier. If not,
I'll take you up on your kind postal offer.