Bob Dunlop wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Feb 03 at 11:26, Dean Earley wrote:
> ...
>> Has anyone come across a script to brute force a passphrase?
>> Unfortunately, I can't even revoke it without the phrase :|
> I hate to say, in the voice normally used for backups "you did
> make a revocation key at the time you created the private key
> didn't you". It's in the key creation FAQ. Create a revocation
> key now and keep it safe. Mine's printed on a piece of paper in
> my filing cabinet, I'd hate to have to type it in by hand but I
> could if I had too.
It was created when I was young(er) and naive using some windows PGP app.
I had no idea what I was doing at the time :)
(Some people would say the same still applies)
Dean Earley, Dee (dean@???)
irc: irc://
phone: +44 (0)780 8369596