[Hampshire] problems with /etc/network/interfaces on Debian …

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Author: hantslug
To: Hants LUG
Subject: [Hampshire] problems with /etc/network/interfaces on Debian Etch box
I want all my boxen on static IPs. This has not heretofore been a problem.
It still isn't on the rest of the network, but it is on my desktop. I have
solved it for teh moment by using DHCP, but I would still prefer a static IP.
(Easier for port-forwarding etc.)

As the interfaces file stands (see below) it works fine. But if I comment out
the fourth line and comment the following five lines back in, I cannot
connect. So something is wrong. I have tried other files that have worked
before for me or now for other people, all with no success. :-(
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

# iface eth0 inet static
#       address
#       netmask
#       gateway
#       dns-nameservers

Can anyone see what is wrong? All suggestions very gratefully received.
