This [0] is a nice self-contained installer which includes several
versions of Internet Explorer. Note, the IE7 version doesn't include the
GUI, just the engine, I believe.
Stephen Rowles wrote:
>> Hi, all!
>> A friend has just been informed from a "help" desk that she cannot make an
>> on-line booking because the website is "only compatible" (sic) with
>> Internet
>> Explorer.
>> Can this be true? How?
> Yep, this can be true. There are many reasons, sometimes people use
> Internet Explorer only scripting that doesn't work correctly in Firefox
> etc. Sometimes they use ActiveX controls which won't work.
> Sad state of affairs in this modern world I know!
> Maybe a solution would be to install IE under wine? that might work?
Pierre Cazenave
Research Assistant
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton,
University of Southampton,
European Way,
SO14 3ZH