Re: apache and php [was Re: [Hampshire] dumb aptitude questi…

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Author: Mike Burrows
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
New-Topics: Re: [Hampshire] apache and php [was Re: dumb aptitude question]
Subject: Re: apache and php [was Re: [Hampshire] dumb aptitude question]

> have a look at

Thanks I will.

> /etc/gallery2 has two files apache.conf and config.php
> as far as I can remember I didn't need to edit either of these
> In fact I had to very little editing, if any, of conf files to get
> gallery2 to work as the Debian defaults all seem to be OK
> --
> John Lewis
> using Debian Sid with windowmaker for a nicer desktop

The fundamental issue is that my install of apache will not
recognised .php files as web pages but as text files and offers me gedit
to open them. As far as I can see I have configured http.d to use php
but so far without success.

btw, if you have empty .conf files I'm guessing that means you are
running apache2.

Think I'll have to remove everything and start again much as that irks
me. It also would probably get me kicked out of Hugo's class :-)
