2008/10/10 Lisi <hantslug@???>:
> I am trying to remove one of the viruses that ClamAV found but was unable to
> remove. I too am having no success at removing them, being told that the
> file system is read only.
One of the _suspected_ viruses that ClamAV found...
I have seen at least one report online that ClamAV _incorrectly_
identifies something in the Windows Swapfile as a virus which isn't
> Could some kind soul tell me what the command should be if I want the
> filesystem to be read/write (so that I can remove the infected files)? I am
> running as root from the command line (and have the box disconnected from the
> router). My last attempt was:
> # mount -t ntfs -rw /dev/sdb1 /media/disk
Shouldn't that be:-
# mount -t ntfs -o rw /dev/sdb1 /media/disk
> I had concluded from my looking up*, obviously erroneously, that that ought to
> work :-(
Google plus "mount filesystem read-write" finds:-
HowTo Mount NTFS Filesystem Partition Read Write Access in ...
Which reveals:-
hostname:~ # mount -t ntfs-3g -o rw,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=0022
/dev/sda2 /path_to/mount_point