On Wed, Dec 03 at 09:08, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> I bought an Acer Aspire One after comparing the keyboard with the Eee. I
> touch-type, and I found the Eee keyboard too small. I'm very pleased with
Don't underestimate the keyboard on the Eee (901 at least). I use an
original IBM PC full size full stroke keyboard at work and for my main
machine at home. Yet I find the Eee keyboard perfectly acceptable,
I wouldn't want to write a major document on the Eee, for browsing, email
and short edits it is fine.
I guess I'm saying you need to try it out, different people will react
differently, even if it does spoil an Xmas suprise slightly.
Battery life on the Eee 901 is about five hours with WiFi in use. Don't
know what it'll be like in 6 months time.
If size hadn't been a tight constaint with me I'd have probably gone
with the HP for the higher res screen, although that short battery life
might have put me off.
Bob Dunlop